El baile de los muertos 2008

Comedy Horror

On the night of the big High-School Prom, the dead rise to eat the living, and the only people who can stop them are the losers who couldn't get dates to the dance.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Dance of the Dead Dance of the Dead
  • GR: O horos ton nekron O horos ton nekron
  • IR: Raghse Mordegan Raghse Mordegan
  • NL: Dance of the Dead Dance of the Dead
  • PT: O Baile dos Mortos O Baile dos Mortos
  • RU: Адская вечеринка Адская вечеринка
  • RS: Ples živih mrtvaca Ples živih mrtvaca
  • ES: Dance of the dead: El baile de los muertos Dance of the dead: El baile de los muertos
Data di rilascio 09 Mar 2008
Link IMDb
