Jakoman to Tetsu 1964


In a village subsisting on its herring fishery, a one-eyed criminal named Jakoman terrorizes the inhabitants. One of them, the son of the head of one of the fish companies by the name of Tetsu, decides to overthrow Jakoman and his...

Tutti i titoli
  • JP: Jakoman to Tetsu Jakoman to Tetsu
  • CA: Jakoman to Tetsu Jakoman to Tetsu
  • FR: Jakoman et Tetsu Jakoman et Tetsu
  • JP: Jyakoman to Tetsu Jyakoman to Tetsu
  • JP: ジャコ萬と鉄(1964) ジャコ萬と鉄(1964)
Data di rilascio 08 Feb 1964
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